Ambrose Berry & Nicholas Bully of Saco Maine . and some of their descendants First Generation 1. AMBROSE I BERRY born say 1610 and died about 1642/1644. Ambrose Berry was a mariner who was an early settler of Saco (now Biddeford) Maine.1 He was taxed 7 Sept. 1636 and was involved in law suits with Robert Sankey 7 May 1637 and John Smith 25 June 1640. 2 Thomas Cannock and Ambrose were sued by Thomas Crocket in 1640. 3 He purchased 100 acres of land near Smith's Brook on 20 Apr. 1642 4Ambrose's name was on a petition by Mr. Cleves read in the British Parliament before 1645 5 May be the Ambrose Berry found on Book Accounts of Robert Button 10 Mar.,1652/53.6 Ambrose paid 01:00:00 minister's rate in Boston 7 Sept 1636 .7 He served as commissioner to end small causes in 1656.8He may have been the Ambrose Berry named as an inhabitant of Capt. Porpus at Cape Porpus in 1652.9 AMBROSE I and his spouse had the following children: + 2 M i. AMBROSE II BERRY was buried on 3 May 1661. Second Generation 2. AMBROSE II BERRY (AMBROSE I) was buried on 3 May 1661 in Saco, , ME.10 Administration of his estate granted to widow Ann in July 1661.11An inventory of Ambrose's estate was taken by Hene. Waddocks & James Gibbines 4 Nov. 1661 and amounted to 172:05:4.12 AMBROSE married ANN BULLY, daughter of NICHOLAS BULLY in Jul 1652 in Saco, York Co., ME.13 They had the following children:(probably not complete) + 3 M i. AMBROSE III BERRY died on 25 Sep 1697. Third Generation 3. AMBROSE III BERRY (AMBROSE II, AMBROSE I) drowned 25 Sep 1697 in Cape Ann, MA.14 Ambrose Berry was a mariner who resided in Boston. He deeded flowage rights in Bully's Creek to John Hill 18 Sept. 1686. He was master of the Sloope Friendship in 1695.15 Ambrose had been wounded in Indian Fights at Black Point 1676/77 16 AMBROSE married HANNAH. They had the following children:17 + 4 M i. AMBROSE BERRY was born about 1688 and died Nov 1777, AE 89. + 5 F ii. HANNAH BERRY was born on 30 Jul 1686 and died on 8 May 1771. 6 M iii. JOSEPH BERRY was born on 11 Jul 1693 in Boston, MA. He died on 24 Jul 1693 in Boston, MA. 7 M iv. BENJAMIN BERRY was born on 11 Jul 1693 in Boston, MA. He died on 16 Jul 1693 in Boston, MA. 8 M v. JOHN BERRY was born on 3 Aug 1697 in Boston, MA. Fourth Generation 4. AMBROSE BERRY (AMBROSE III, AMBROSE II, AMBROSE I) was born about 1688 (calculated death VR). He died Nov 1777, AE 89 in Newburyport, MA.18 In 1727 in Newbury, Ambrose was given the task of ringing the church bell.19 In 1741 he took care of the burying place.20 AMBROSE married (1) HANNAH KINGSBURY on 10 Jan 1716/1717 in Newbury, MA21 They had the following children:22 9 M i. JOHN BERRY was born on 4 Nov 1718 in Newbury, MA. AMBROSE also married (2) SARAH EMERY, daughter of JONATHAN EMERY and MARY WOODMAN, on 3 Jun 1728 in Newbury, MA23 Sarah was born on 18 Dec 1688 in Newbury, MA.24 She died 17 Jan. 1776, AE 88 in Newburyport, MA.25 5. HANNAH BERRY (AMBROSE III, AMBROSE II, AMBROSE I) was born on 30 Jul 1686 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA. She died on 8 May 1771 in Sutton, Worcester Co., MA.26 HANNAH married ISAAC CHASE, son of DANIEL CHASE and MARTHA KIMBALL, on 29 Oct 1710 in Newbury, Essex Co., MA.27 Isaac was born on 19 Jan 1690/1691 in Newbury, Essex Co., MA.28 He died on 27 Feb 1786 in Sutton, Worcester Co., MA.29 SEE CHASE FAMILY BY COMPILER ISAAC and HANNAH had the following children:30 10 M i. AMBROSE CHASE was born on 2 Dec 1713 in Sutton, MA. . 11 M ii. DANIEL CHASE was born on 5 Mar 1716 in Sutton, MA. 12 M iii. TIMOTHY CHASE was born on 12 Jan 1719 in Sutton, MA. 13 M iv. HENRY CHASE was born on 2 Mar 1722 in Sutton, Worcester Co MA 14 F v. ABIGAIL CHASE was born on 6 Mar 1725 in Sutton, MA. 15 M vi. ELISHA CHASE was born about 1728 in Sutton, MA. . 16 F vii. CHILD CHASE. 17 F viii. HANNAH CHASE. . Descendants of NICHOLAS BULLY of Saco Maine First Generation 1. NICHOLAS BULLY was born say 1620 and died about 1678 in Boston, Suffolk Co., MA. Nicholas Bully was an early settler of Saco, ME. where he purchased a house in 1650.31 He was on a list of inhabitants of West Saco 5 July 1653 32 He served on a coroner’s jury 24 June 1661.33 He was on a tax list for West Bank of Saco dated 1664-1668 along with Nicholas Bully Jr. & others.34 He served as constable in 1664 35 The following is Nicholas Bully's Last Will & testament: I Nicholas Bully being weake in body but bound in my understanding and memory doe make this my last will and Testament nulling and making void all other by me formerly made. Impr. I Bequeath my soule into the hands of God that gave it hoping to obaine mercy and salvation with him through the merits of Jesus Christ my only Lord and Saviour and my body to the Earth from whence it came decently to be buryed at the charge of y executrix hereafter named. And, as to what wordily estate I shall leave behinde me my will and desire is should be disposed of as followith; first, I give to my daughter Ann Carter one hundred & forty acres of land lying on the westward side of Saco River formerly possessed by me for many years together. Item I give to my daughter Grace Booden threescore acres of land lying next the land of Richard Beard in Saco River Item I give to my Grand daughter Sarah Bully three pounds in money to be paid to her by my daughter Ann Carter her heirs executors or admnrs if she live to the age of one & twenty yeares --- Item i give to my daughter Grace the ticking bed that I lye upon and the feather bolster and for all the rest of my estate of what kinde or nature soever it be that is undisposed of I give it unto my daughter Ann Carter whom I make Executrix of this my last will & testament not doubting but that she will take care that this my last will shall be punctually performed. And in testimony that this my last will & Testament, I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale the seventh day of the month of September Ann Dom One Thousand Six hundred Seventy-eight 1678 - The marke of Nicholas X BULLY & (sigill) The will was proved Nov. 1678 WITNESSES: THOMAS KEMBLE JAMES NASH.36 An inventory of the estate of Nicholas Bully was taken and John Carter in behalf of his wife Ann Carter executor of the Last will & testament made oath in November 1678 that the inventory was a just one37 NICHOLAS married Unknown They had the following children38: 2 M i. NICHOLAS Jr. BULLY died on 24 Apr 1664 in Saco, ME.39 NICHOLAS Jr. married ELLEN BOOTH in Jul 1652 in Saco, ME.40 3 F ii. ANN BULLY. ANN married (1) AMBROSE II BERRY, son of AMBROSE I BERRY, in Jul 1652 in Saco, York Co., ME.41 Ambrose was buried on 3 May 1661 in Saco, , ME.42 Administration of his estate granted to widow Ann in July 1661 .43 An inventory of Ambrose's estate was taken by Hene. Waddocks & James Gibbines S 4 Nov. 1661 and amounted to 172:05:4.44 ANN also married (2) WILLIAM SCADLOCK. William was buried on 17 Jul 1664 in Saco, Maine.45 ANN also married (3) JOHN CARTER on 27 Dec 1665 in Saco, ME.46 4 F iii. GRACE BULLY was born about 1636. She died on 10 Jan 1710/1711, AE 74 in Boston, MA.47Grace married JOHN BOADEN on 6 Aug 1656 in Saco, ME. John died on 4 Apr 1697 in Boston, MA.48 5 F iv. TAMSEN BULLY was buried on 30 Jul 1661 in Saco, ME.49 6 F v. ELIZABETH BULLY died after 1711. Elizabeth married THOMAS DOUGHTY on 24 Jan 1669/1670 in Saco, ME.50 Thomas’ estate settled 1710 and Elizabeth was living 14 Dec. 1711.51 7 M vi. JOHN BULLY. END NOTES 1. Sybil Noyes, Charles Thornton Libby & Walter Goodwin Davis, Genealogical Dictionary of Maine and New Hampshire{Baltimore 1983 reprint}89 hereinafter Noyes 2 Ibid 3. Ibid 4. Ibid 5. Ibid 5 6. Ibid 14 7. Ibid 25 8. Ibid 27 9. Ibid 28 10. Vital records of Saco & Biddeford Maine as printed in NEH&G Register Apr 1917, 126/7 hereinafter Saco VRS 11. Noyes, 89 12. Province and Court Records of Maine {Portland 1931} Vol. II:124 13. Noyes, 89 14. Ibid 15. Ibid 16. Ibid 17. Boston Births, Baptisms, Marriages & Deaths {Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Co. Reprint, 1978}167, 205, 231, 211 18. Newburyport MA printed VR,555 - Also See Essex Co. Mass. Probate #2376. 19. John J. Currier, Ould Newbury Historical & Biographical Sketches {Boston, Damrell & Upham, 1896,}432 20. Ibid, 435 21. Newbury MA printed VR 46 22. Newbury MA printed VR 23. Ibid, 555 24. Ibid 25. Diary of Rev. Thomas Cary of Newburyport Massachusetts 1762 - 1808 --NEH&G on line Mrs. Berry died, age 88 13 Jan. 1776 26. Sutton MA printed VR 27. Newbury MA printed VR, 46 28. Ibid 29 Sutton MA printed VR, 408 30. Ibid 37-42 31. Noyes, 89 32. Ibid 33. Ibid 26 34. Ibid 35. Ibid, 27 36. Suffolk Probate Bk. 6:256 37. Ibid Vol. 12:224 38. Noyes, 89 39. Saco VRS 127 40. Ibid 41. Noyes, 89 42. Saco VRS, 127 43. Noyes, 89 44. Province and Court Records of Maine {Portland 1931} Vol. II:124 45. Saco VRS, 127 46. Ibid, 126 47. Noyes, 197 48. Ibid 49. Saco VRS, 127 50. Ibid, 126 51. Noyes, 200