JOHN STAFFORD SR ofGUILFORD,VERMONT - HIS ANCESTRY & DESCENDANTS 1. THOMAS1 STAFFORD, born abt. 1605 in England; died 4 Nov 1677 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI.1He married ELIZABETH (---), died aft. 1677 when she was mentioned in husband’s will. Thomas STAFFORD, a miller by occupation, came from England to Plymouth, MA about 1626.2 Tradition is that he built the first corn grinding mill run by water power in the colonies.3 Thomas was an inhabitant of Newport, RI in 1638 and removed to Warwick, RI in 1652 where he was admitted freeman in 1655.4 His Last Will & Testament was dated 4 Nov. 1677 and proved on 27 Apr. 1678. He mentioned his well-beloved wife Elizabeth to whom he left one half of his dwelling house, orchard, meadow and other lands and two cows. He left his son Thomas the other half of this property. At the death of Elizabeth, Thomas was to have his mother's half of the estate. Thomas received other lands and was to have the two cows belonging to his mother at her decease besides a cow he received at his father's decease. Bedding and household stuff went to the widow and at her decease what was left divided between son Thomas and daughter Deborah WESTCOTT. Deborah also received a cow. Sons Samuel & Joseph and daughter Hannah BROMLEY each received a calf. The will was witnessed by John POTTER & Amos WESTCOTT.5 See Austin for other records of Thomas Stafford Children of THOMAS STAFFORD and ELIZABETH (---)6 2 i THOMAS Jr2 STAFFORD married (1) on 28 Dec 1671 in Warwick, RI, JANE DODGE, married (2) SARAH (---). + 3 ii SAMUEL2 STAFFORD, born 1634/35. He married MERCY WESTCOTT. 4 iii HANNAH2 STAFFORD married LUKE BROMLEY. 5 iv SARAH2 STAFFORD, died 1669. She married on 13 Jul 1667 in Warwick, RI, AMOS WESTCOTT. 6 v JOSEPH2 STAFFORD, born abt. 1648. He married SARAH HOLDEN. 7 vi DEBORAH2 STAFFORD, born abt. 1651. She married on 9 Jan 1670 in Warwick, RI, AMOS WESTCOTT. Generation 2 3. SAMUEL2 STAFFORD (THOMAS1), born 1634/35 (calculated death VR); died 20 Mar 1717/1718 In 83rd Year in Warwick, Kent Co., RI.7 He married abt. 1660, MERCY WESTCOTT8, born abt. 1632/33 in England; died 4 Aug 1700 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI,9 daughter of STUTLEY WESTCOTT and JULIAN MARCHANTE. Samuel STAFFORD was admitted freeman 1669 and was elected Governor’s assistant in Warwick, RI in the Year 1674 but declined the post.10 In 1687 he was overseer of the poor and in 1700 he gave six shillings toward building of a Quaker Meetinghouse at Mashapang, RI.11 His will was was dated 16 Mar 1711 and proved 16 Apr 1718, eldest son Amos received south side of Potawomut River, in Kingstown, to eldest daughter Sarah Scranton 40s and any debts due from her, like legacies to daughters Patience Howland, Freelove Tillinghast and Elizabeth Devotion, to granddaughters Mary Thurber & Mary Stafford 20s each, to youngest son Thomas all lands in purchase of Potawomut and all moveable estate he paying legacies and debts.12 Children of SAMUEL STAFFORD and MERCY WESTCOTT13 8 i STUTLEY3 STAFFORD, born 7 Nov 1661 in Warwick, RI; died young. 9 ii AMOS3 STAFFORD, born 8 Nov 1665 in Warwick, RI; died 8 Oct 1760. He married on 19 Dec 1689 in Warwick, RI, MARY BURLINGAME. 10 iii MERCY3 STAFFORD, born 8 Jul 1668 in Warwick, RI She married RICHARD THURBER 11 iv SARAH3 STAFFORD, born 18 Apr 1671 in Warwick, RI 12 v SAMUEL3 STAFFORD, born 19 Nov 1673 in Warwick, RI; died young. 13 vi PATIENCE3 STAFFORD married JABEZ HOWLAND. 14 vii FREELOVE3 STAFFORD married JOSEPH TILLINGAST. 15 viii ELIZABETH3 STAFFORD married EDWARD DEVOTION. + 16 ix THOMAS3 STAFFORD, born 1682 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI. He married (1) ANNE GREENE. He married (2) AUDREY GREENE. Generation 3 16. THOMAS3 STAFFORD (SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 1682 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI; buried 18 Nov 1765 in Coventry, Kent Co., RI.14 He married (1) on 25 Dec 1707 in Warwick, RI,15 ANNE GREENE, died 24 Aug. 1718 Warwick16, RI daughter of JOB GREENE and PHEBE SAYLES. He married (2) on 16 Jul 1719 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI,17 AUDREY GREENE, born 8 Jan 1694 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI;18 died 3 Apr 1763, daughter of RICHARD GREENE and ELEANOR SAYLES. Thomas STAFFORD was a freeman in Warwick, RI in 1708. He held the posts of Deputy in Warwick in 1720 and Coventry in 174719 Children of THOMAS STAFFORD and ANNE GREENE (born Warwick, RI)20 17 i PHOEBE4 STAFFORD, born 10 Apr 1710. She married on 6 May 1733 in Warwick, RI,21 WILLIAM ARNOLD. 18 ii ANNE4 STAFFORD, born 4 Jan 1711/12 19 iii MERCY4 STAFFORD, born 12 Mar 1714/15.She married on 7 Jan 1741 in Warwick, RI22, JOHN WATERMAN. 20 iv JOB4 STAFFORD, born 11 Apr 1716; died young. 21 v SAMUEL4 STAFFORD, born 8 Jan.1717; died young. 22 vi DEBORAH4 STAFFORD, born 9 Apr 1718 in Warwick, RI She married (1) NATHAN BABCOCK. She married (2) JOB BABCOCK. Children of THOMAS STAFFORD and AUDREY GREENE23 23 i ELEANOR4 STAFFORD, born 25 Apr 1720. She married JOHN KNIGHT. 24 ii RICHARD4 STAFFORD, born 24 Sep 1721. He married SARAH PIERCE. 25 iii THOMAS4 STAFFORD, born 20 Apr 1723; died 20 Jul 1779 in Coventry, RI. He married on 28 Jan 1744 in E. Greenwich, RI, DIADAMA CARPENTER. 26 iv SAMUEL4 STAFFORD, born 6 Dec 1724; died young. 27 v ALMY 4 (AMIE) STAFFORD, born 19 Apr 1728. She married on 13 Nov 1760, SAMUEL LOW. 28 vi JOB4 STAFFORD, born 14 Nov 1729. 29 vii AUDREY4 STAFFORD, born 8 Feb 1731. She married EDWARD SPAULDING. + 30 viii JOHN4 STAFFORD, born 5 May 1735 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI. He married MARY KING. SAMUEL STAFFORD, born 22 Feb. 1728/29 Generation 4 30. JOHN4 STAFFORD (THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 5 May 1735 in Warwick, Kent Co., RI; died 1785 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. He married on 18 Jan 1753 in Scituate, Providence Co., RI,24 MARY KING, born 23 Sep 1733 in Scituate, Providence Co., RI, 25daughter of ISAAC KING and ELIZABETH BATES. Mary Stafford was living in 1792 when she witnessed a deed in which Thomas Stafford sold his share of his father's land in Guilford to Isaac Stafford .26 There are two John Staffords listed in the 1774 Census of Rhode with 2 males above 16, 5 males under 26, 1 female above 16 and 1 female under 16 The other listing does not list the female under 16. This may be a duplicate entry 27 John STAFFORD and his family came to Guilford, VT from Rhode Island about the Year 178028 All of John'schildren were probably born in Scituate, RI . Their births are recorded in the Guilford Town Clerk's Office. In the pension record previously mentioned Stukely STAFFORD states "that he had no record of his birth except one in his Bible which was several years since transferred from an old family Bible in the hands of his brother in the State of New York." This probably refers to his brother Isaac STAFFORD of Preston, NY. The Bible is printed in DAR Bible Records, Vol.90, NY State Library. The Last Will & Testament of John STAFFORD is dated 13 Jan. 1785 and was probated 8 Apr. 1785. John NOYES was the executor and the will is abstracted as follows: "To Mary STAFFORD, my loving wife, all household stuff and movable estate during her natural life and after her decease said estate be equally divided amongst all my children. Then I give to my loving wife Mary STAFFORD the use and enjoyment of one third of my homestead farm in said Guilford during her natural life. "I give to my sons John, Samuel, Stukely, Job and Obadiah and the children of my daughter Lydia Moffet/Muffet deceased, five shillings apiece." I give unto my two sons Isaac and Thomas my homestead farm to be equally divided between them allowing to my said wife her third part during her life as aforesaid." My will is that if my son Thomas shall not accept the half of my said homestead farm as above said, my will is that I give the said to my son John STAFFORD." Witnesses: Rufus FISH, Amos NOYES, Samuel FISH.29 The inventory of John's estate was taken 9 Apr. 1785 and amounted to L116-9-6. Edward BARNEY and Rufus FISH were appraisers. On 6 Nov. 1786, John NOYES was appointed guardian of Job STAFFORD, aged 20 years.30 Children of JOHN STAFFORD and MARY KING31 + 31 i JOHN5 STAFFORD, born 25 Jul 1754 in Scituate, RI. He married BARBARA STANTON. + 32 ii SAMUEL5 STAFFORD, born 23 Jan 1756 in Scituate, RI. He married ESTHER GORE. + 33 iii STUTLEY5 STAFFORD, born 8 Nov 1758 in Scituate, RI. He married (1) LYDIA?? (---). He married (2) PATIENCE YAW. + 34 iv ISAAC5 STAFFORD, born 2 Sep 1763 in Scituate, Providence Co., RI. He married (1) KEZIA SLATER. He married (2) LYDIA (---). + 35 v THOMAS5 STAFFORD, born 4 Jun 1765 in Scituate, RI. He married MARGARET GORE. + 36 vi JOB5 STAFFORD, born 11 Feb 1767 in Scituate, Ri. He married (1) AMY SLATER. He married (2) PERMALIA (---). + 37 vii OBADIAH5 STAFFORD, born 27 Feb 1769 in Scituate, RI. He married SARAH CRUMB. 38 viii ELIZABETH5 STAFFORD, born 22 Oct 1773 in Scituate, RI; died in young. 39 ix LYDIA5 STAFFORD, died bef. 1785. She married Mr. MOFFET/MUFFIT? Generation 5 31. JOHN5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 25 Jul 1754 in Scituate, RI. He married on 7 Nov 1779 in Scituate, RI, BARBARA STANTON.32 At a Court sitting in Sept. of 1782 JOHN STAFFORD jr was one of 50 men indicted for surrounding a deputy trying to seize a cow to make up money spent for hiring a substitute to serve in the War 33 John Jr. was a surveyor of highways in Guilford 18 Mar 1784. 34 On 3 Nov 1783 JOHN STAFFORD Jr. sold a tract of land in Guilford to John OLIN of Guilford bounded on west by land of JOSEPH GOODSPEED and south to Green River and land of MOSES STANTON, recorded 28 May 1786 .35 The southwest corner of Lot #172 had originally been sold to brothers JOHN & STUTLEY STAFFORD.36 In 1786 JOHN STAFFORD and DANIEL HARRINGTON deeded 50 acres of land, the east half of Lot #172 in Guilford to JOSEPH GALLOP Jr.37 Lots #172 & 173 were deeded by CHARLES CHURCH to JOHN STAFFORD in 178538 In 1786 John deeded 50 acres to JOSEPH GALLOP, the west side of Lot #172 next to Halifax line 39 JOHN STAFFORD sold Lot #173 in 1786 to JOSEPH OLDEN Jr.40 Children of JOHN STAFFORD and BARBARA STANTON (conjectural)41 40 i STUKELEY6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1778.???????? 41 ii JOHN6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1780. 42 iii JOB STAFFORD, born abt. 1782 43 iv SOLOMON6 STAFFORD, born 22 Jan 1785 in Guilford, VT42. 44 v ANISE6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1787. 45 vi JOAB6(JACOB) STAFFORD, born abt. 1789. 46 vii EDWARD6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1790. 47 ix LEMUEL6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1792. 32. SAMUEL5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 23 Jan 1756 in Scituate, RI; died 2 Jan 1846 Ae 89 in Halifax, VT; buried in Stafford Cem., Halifax, VT. He married as second wife on 12 Nov 1780, ESTHER GORE, born 22 Jan 1759 in Norwich, Ct;43 died 24 Oct 1836, Ae 78 in Halifax, VT; buried in Stafford Cem., Halifax, VT, daughter of SAMUEL GORE and DESIRE SAFFORD. Samuel STAFFORD was a soldier of the Revolution where he served several times during the war years for short periods. He enlisted in Scituate, RI 1 July 1775 for one year under Capt OLNEY & Col. WEST. He served at Newport & Providence and was discharged without a written discharge at Providence. In July of 1776 he engaged on board the privateer brig Industry captained by Thomas CHILDE and served six months. He served for short periods of times in Rhode Island after returning from sea. In the summer of 1777 he served as a ranger for nine months in various towns in Vermont. He enlisted in October of 1779 and served three months under Capt. RICE & Col. PORTER.44 Samuel STAFFORD's name can be found on a pay roll of the alarm of Oct. 1780.45 On 24 July 1782 Samuel STAFFORD was appointed Ensign in a Cumberland County militia commissioned in New York.46 According to his pension record Samuel was born in Scituate, RI in the Year 1756. He was a resident of Scituate, RI when he first entered the service. About 1780 he became an inhabitant of Guilford, VT where he lived about three years and then removed to nearby Halifax where he was living when he applied for a pensiion 2 Aug. 1832, aged 76 years.47 He was probably the SAMUEL STAFFORD appointed a surveyor of highways in Guilford on 5 Mar 1787.48 Samuel Stafford is a Baptist in Guilford, per Beriah Willis, teacher, Dated November 20, 1796. Recorded October 10th 1800 (Alden M. Rollins, Vermont Religius Certificates {Rockport ME, Picton Press, 2003}, 150 Census Listings for Samuel Stafford 1790 (Safford) Halifax, VT 1-2-3-00 (p.50c) 1800 Halifax, VT 02001 10010 1810 ibid 00101 00101 1820 ibid 010001 00001 1840 ibid, p.66 - Samuel Stafford, age 86 listed under Revolutionary Pensioners- probably the male 80-90 living with Samuel Stafford jr Children of SAMUEL STAFFORD and ESTHER GORE49: 49 i DESIRE6 STAFFORD, born 24 Mar 1782 in Guilford, VT. 50 ii SAMUEL Jr6 STAFFORD, born 6 Mar 1784 in Guilford, VT. 51 iii ESTHER6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1791 in Guilford, VT; died 8 Aug 1803 in Halifax, VT; buried in Stafford Cem., Halifax, VT. Samuel Stafford is probably the SAMUEL STAFFORD, a stranger, who married ABIGAIL FULLER ,dau of JOHN FULLER of Rockingham, VT 17 Jan. 1779 (Church Record & research of Clyde A. Bridger, King City OR) . 33. STUTLEY5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 8 Nov 1758 in Scituate, RI; died 12 Nov 1839 in Colrain, MA, ae 81 yrs50. He married (1) LYDIA?? (---). He married (2) on 3 Jun 1787 in Guilford, VT,51 PATIENCE YAW, died 19 Jul 1834, ae 70 yrs52 daughter of ADAM YAW Stutley STAFFORD was a Soldier of the Revolution. He served 3-1/2 months as private under Capt. James Williams & Nicholas Cook , RI forces; 3 months in the winter of 1777 or 1778 under Capt. Davis & Col. Waterman and in August of 1778 for three months under Capt. Davis & Col. Nicholas Cook He applied for a pension for his services on 4 Jan. 1836 but the claim was rejected on the grounds of insufficient proof of six months service as required by the act of Congress dated 7 June 1832. In his pension application Stutley stated that after he was discharged from the Army he lived about two years in Scituate, RI and then removed to Guilford, VT where he resided 15 or 20 years and then to Colrain, Franklin Co., MA where he has resided since.53 See manuscript of Ms Joan Hicks for much information on Stutley & his family. Children of STUTLEY STAFFORD and LYDIA?? (---)54 52 i LYDIA6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1776. 53 ii STUTLEY jr6 STAFFORD, born 8 Feb 1778 in Scituate, Ri. 54 iii JOB6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1780 Children of STUTLEY STAFFORD and PATIENCE YAW55 55 i JOHN K.6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1788. 56 ii WILLIAM6 STAFFORD, born 30 Nov 1791 57 iii MARY6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1795. 58 iv GILBERT6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1797. 59 v RACHEL6 STAFFORD, born 1 Aug 1799 in Colrain, MA 60 vi JAMES6 STAFFORD, born abt. 1803 61 vii CATHERINE6 STAFFORD 62 viii PATIENCE6 STAFFORD, born 1801. 34. ISAAC5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 2 Sep 1763 in Scituate, Providence Co., RI; died 19 Jan 1831, ae 67-4-17 in Preston, Chenango Co., NY.56 He married (1) on 12 Jun 1786 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT57, KEZIA SLATER, born 29 Jun 1766 in Foster, Providence Co., RI58; died 11 Jul 1815 in Preston, Chenango Co., NY59, daughter of JOSEPH SLATER and LOIS KING. He married (2) LYDIA (---), born c1774 NY (calculated 1850 cn) living 1850 Bainbridge, Chenango Co. NY, ae 76.60 Isaac STAFFORD and his family removed from Guilford, VT and settled in the Town of Preston, NY. In a deed dated 17 Sept. 1805 Isaac was a resident of Windham County, Guilford, VT and purchased land from John Jr. & Mary DODGE.61 In 1824 Isaac purchased more land in Preston and in 1832 Isaac he bought part of the 1824 parcel from Abel STAFFORD, executor of Isaac's wil.62 Isaac STAFFORD's Last will & Testament is dated 4 Nov. 1830 and was proved in Norwich, NY 18 Apr. 1831. His son Abel STAFFORD was the executor and the will was witnessed by Uri? TRACY, Henrick PATTERSON & Winsor MATHEWSON. Isaac's heirs were his grandson Robert Shaw STAFFORD, son Abel STAFFORD, daughter Ruth RANDALL, son John STAFFORD, daughter HANNAH STAFFORD, son Isaac STAFFORD, dau. Keziah TRACY, son Joseph STAFFORD, dau. Sarah SNOW, dau. Esther RANDALL, dau. Barbra WORDEN all who received money. Isaac STAFFORD's wife Lydia received "a certain red cow with a white belly about six years old; two steer calves, the one a deep red and the other red and white; and $200 which was to be hers in lieu of her legal right of dower.63 Census Listings for Isaac Stafford 1790 Guilford, VT, p.49c 1 male under 16, 1 male over 16 & 3 females 1800 Guilford, Vt p.138; 2 males under 5, 1 male of 10 & under 16, 1 male of 26 & under 45, 2 females under 10, 2 females of 10 & under 16, 1 female 26 & under 45 1810 Preston, Chenango Co. NY 21001-21110 1830 Preston, Chenango Co. NY, p. 214 1 male 15-20 1 male 30-40 1 male 60-70 1 female 30-40 1 female 50-60 Children of ISAAC STAFFORD and KEZIA SLATER64 + 63 i RUTH6 STAFFORD, born 22 Dec 1786 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. She married THOMAS W. RANDALL. + 64 ii ABEL6 STAFFORD, born 5 Dec 1788 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. He married RACHEL CHAPEL. + 65 iii BARBRA6 STAFFORD, born 21 Oct 1790 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. She married PETER jr WORDEN. + 66 iv JOHN6 STAFFORD, born 13 May 1793 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. He married SOPHIA RANDALL. + 67 v HANNAH6 STAFFORD, born 10 Nov 1794 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. She married ISRAEL CHAPIN. + 68 vi ISAAC jr6 STAFFORD, born 31 Oct 1796 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. He married LUCY SEYMOUR. + 69 vii KEZIA6 STAFFORD, born 10 Dec 1799 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. She married MINOR TRACY. + 70 viii JOSEPH6 STAFFORD, born 30 Oct 1801 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. He married SALLY TAYLOR. + 71 ix SARAH6 STAFFORD, born 14 Jul 1803 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT. She married HIRAM SNOW. + 72 x ESTHER6 STAFFORD, born 16 Jun 1805 in Guilford, Windham Co., V.. She married ORMAN RANDALL. 35. THOMAS5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 4 Jun 1765 in Scituate, RI; died 19 Oct 1855 ae 90-4-16 in Monroe, Franklin Co. Ma.65; buried in Old Four Corners Cem.. He married MARGARET GORE, born c10 Feb 1773 (calculated death record), died 10 Mar 1864, Ae 91-1-2 in Monroe, Franklin, Ma66, daughter of ELIJAH GORE and SARAH LITTLE. Census Listings for Thomas Stafford 1790 cn Windham Co. Guilfield, VT 1-1-3 p.50 1800 cn Windham Co. Whitingham, 30010-00010 1810 cn Berkshire Co. MA, Florida Gore 22110-10001 1820 cn ibid 221201-10101 1830 cn Monroe, Franklin Co. MA 000130001-00010001 1840 ibid 0000010001 000000001 1850 Thomas ae 86 & Marguarite ae 78 living with son Thomas jr inMonroe, MA67 Children of THOMAS STAFFORD and MARGARET GORE68 74 i SAMUEL6 STAFFORD, born 2 Jan 1793 in Hoosick, Ny. 75 ii ISSAC6 STAFFORD, born 30 Jan 1795 in Hoosick, Ny. 76 iii THOMAS6 STAFFORD Jr, born 29 Dec 1797 in Whitingham, Vt. 77 iv MARGARET6 STAFFORD, born 24 Sep 1800 in Whitingham, Vt. 78 v ELIJAH6 STAFFORD, born 9 Jan 1803 in Whitingham, Vt. 79 vi JOSEPH6 STAFFORD, born 10 Apr 1805 in Whitingham, Vt. 80 vii EZEKIEL6 STAFFORD, born 17 Oct 1808 in Monroe, Ma. 81 viii JAMES6 STAFFORD, born 2 Mar 1811 in Monroe, Ma. 82 ix SARAH6 STAFFORD, born 15 Sep 1820 in Monroe, Ma; died 13 Aug 1825 in Monroe, Ma. 83 x RACHEL6 STAFFORD, born 17 May 1816 in Monroe, Ma. 84 xi NATHAN6 STAFFORD, born 26 Jun 1813 in Monroe, Ma. 36. JOB5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 11 Feb 1767 in Scituate, Ri; died 30 Jul 1846 Ae 80 in Preston, NY; buried in Foster Cem., Preston, NY. He married (1) on 18 Jun 1786 in Guilford, VT,69 AMY SLATER, born 11 Aug 1769 in FOSTER, Providence Co., RI70; died 25 Apr 1840 in Preston, Chenango Co., NY; buried in Foster Cem., Preston, Chenango Co., NY, daughter of JOSEPH SLATER and LOIS KING. He married (2) PERMALIA (---), born abt. 1794; living alone 1860 In Afton, Ny Age 66.71 Job STAFFORD of Preston, NY will dated 13 July 1846 names widow Parmelia thought to be in Preston, NY daughters Elizabeth Wilcox wife of Whitman Wilcox of Norwich NY, Mary Skinner wife of John Skinner of Norwich, Lois Tracy widow of John Tracy deceased of Preston, NY,Chloe Tracy wife of Amaziah Tracy of Preston, Esther Stafford of Preston, Amy Aldrich wife of Reuben Aldrich of Norwich, all heirs over 21.72 Census Listings for Job Stafford 1790 Guilford VT, p.50a 2 males over 16,1 female 1810 Chenango Co. NY: p.226 00020-23310 1820 Chenango Co., Town of Norwich, NY 01011-01023 1830 Chenango Co. Town of Preston, NY p.220 1 male 10-15, 1 male 15-20; 1 male 60-70, 2 females 20-30; 1 female 60-70; 1 female 80-90 1840 Chenango Co. Town of Preston, NY, p.056 1 male 15-20; 1 male 70-80; 1 female 30-40 Children of JOB STAFFORD and AMY SLATER 73 + 85 i ELIZABETH6 STAFFORD, born 11 Oct 1791. She married WHITMAN WILLCOX. + 86 ii MARY6 STAFFORD, born 1 Jun 1793. She married JOHN SKINNER. + 87 iii LOIS6 STAFFORD, born 27 Aug 1796. She married JOHN TRACY. + 88 iv AMY6 STAFFORD, born 17 May 1798. She married REUBEN ALDRICH. + 89 v CHLOE6 STAFFORD, born 3 Apr 1800. She married AMAZIAH TRACY. 90 vi ESTHER6 STAFFORD, born 10 Jul 1803; died 18 Apr 1874, ae 70 in Norwich, Ny; buried in Quarter Cem.. She married as 2d wife JOHN SKINNER, born abt. 1791; died 9 May 1865, Ae 74 in Norwich, Ny; buried in Quarter Cem.her sister Mary’s widower. 91 vii MERCY6 STAFFORD, born 20 May 1809; died 19 Dec. 1838, Ae 29 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem.. She married JOSEPH HURBURT SCOTT, born abt. 1805.74 92 viii GEORGE WASHINGTON6 STAFFORD, born 1815 Feb. 22; died 3 Nov 1836 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem.. 37. OBADIAH5 STAFFORD (JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 27 Feb 1769 in Scituate, RI. He married on 8 Jul 1789 in Leyden, MA, SARAH CRUMB.75 Obadiah Stafford of Harmony, Somerset Co. Maine sold land to Stutley STAFFORD of Colrain, MA 7 Feb. 182176 This Obadiah may be Obadiah sr's son - perhaps sr died around this time and jr was selling off father's land interests?????? 1790 cn Guilford,Windham Co. VT 1-0-2 1800 cn Whitingham Windham Co. VT 20010 20010 1810 cn Greene, Kennebec Co. ME (p.916) 01110 12010 Children of OBADIAH STAFFORD and SARAH CRUMB 93 i OBADIAH Jr6 STAFFORD, born 3 Aug 1800 in Readsboro, Vt77. 94 ii PERMILLIA6 STAFFORD?? married HEZEKIAH BROWN12 Sept 1810 Stamford, VT78 OTHERS Generation 6 63. RUTH6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 22 Dec 1786 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; buried 20 Aug 1866 in Randall Hill Cem, Masonville, NY. She married on 4 Sep 180579, THOMAS W. RANDALL, born 27 Aug 1780 in Colchester, Ct;80 died 7 Apr 1867 in Masonville, NY 81, son of ARUNA RANDALL and RUTH GATES. Children of RUTH STAFFORD and THOMAS W. RANDALL82 95 i EDWIN7 RANDALL, born 23 Dec 1808 in Preston, Ny. 96 ii MARY7 RANDALL, born 27 Dec 1809 in Preston, Ny. 97 iii PERMELIA7 RANDALL, born 19 Feb 1811 in Preston, Ny. 98 iv BARBARA7 RANDALL, born 3 Mar 1813 in Preston, Ny. 99 v ISAAC7 RANDALL, born 10 Jun 1814 in Preston, Ny. 100 vi KEZIAH7 RANDALL, born 27 Nov 1815 in Preston, Ny. 101 vii ROBERT SHAW7 RANDALL, born 31 Jul 1817 in Preston, Ny. 102 viii LUCIA7 RANDALL, born 14 Mar 1819 in Preston, Ny. 103 ix DANIEL7 RANDALL, born 10 Oct 1820 in Preston, Ny. 104 x ENOCH7 RANDALL, born 8 Mar 1822 in Preston, Ny 105 xi SARAH ESTHER7 RANDALL, born 14 Nov 1823 in Oxford, Ny 106 xii ELIZABETH7 RANDALL, born 18 Mar 1826 in Masonville, Ny 107 xiii NANCY MATILDA7 RANDALL, born 12 Dec 1827 Masonville Ny. 108 xiv LABAN7 RANDALL, born 28 Jun 1830 in Masonville Ny 64. ABEL6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 5 Dec 1788 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; buried 7 Oct 1869, ae 80 Stafford Cem., Preston, Chenango Co., NY. He married RACHEL CHAPEL,bc 1781 (calculated gs), died 3 Dec 1841, ae 60 in Preston, NY, buried in Stafford Cem., Preston, NY. Children of ABEL STAFFORD and RACHEL CHAPEL83 109 i BETSEY MATILDA7 STAFFORD 110 ii JOB NELSON7 STAFFORD 111 iii ALMA ATHALIA7 STAFFORD 112 iv SOPHIA LUCELIA7 STAFFORD 65. BARBRA6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 21 Oct 1790 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; died 11 Jul 1874 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT; buried in Stafford Cem., Halifax, VT. She married on 3 Jun 1810 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT, PETER Jr WORDEN, born 2 Jan 1790 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT; died 30 May 1874 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT; buried in Stafford Cem., Halifax, VT, son of PETER Sr WORDEN and RACHEL HALE. SEE WORDEN FAMILY BY COMPILER Children of BARBRA STAFFORD and PETER Jr WORDEN 113 i DIADAMA7 WORDEN, born 27 Feb 1811 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT 114 ii MARCUS7 WORDEN, born 28 Sep 1812 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT 115 iii EUNICE7 WORDEN, born 30 Jan 1815 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT; 116 iv LEWIS ALLEN7 WORDEN, born 14 Nov 1816 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT 117 v PETER HADEN7 WORDEN, born 14 Mar 1819 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT. 118 vi MARY7 WORDEN, born 28 Jan 1821 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT; 119 vii EMILY H.7 WORDEN, born 28 Feb 1823 in Halifax, Windham Co. VT 120 viii BELINDA7 WORDEN, born 21 Aug 1825 in Halifax, Windham Co. 121 ix EPHRAIM GATES7 WORDEN, born 23 May 1828 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT. 122 x ALSINA\ELSINA7 WORDEN, born 14 Aug 1830 in Halifax, WindhamCo., VT 123 xi LUCY ROWENA7 WORDEN, born 13 Feb 1833 in Halifax, Windham Co., VT. 66. JOHN6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 13 May 1793 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; died 27 Oct 1855 in Ellington, NY.84 He married on 12 Feb 1816 in Preston, NY85, SOPHIA RANDALL, born 31 Jan 1797 in Colchester, Ct;86 died 23 Sep 1854 in Ellington, Ny87 , daughter of AMOS RANDALL and SARAH KILBORN. Children of JOHN STAFFORD and SOPHIA RANDALL88 124 i JOHN AUSTIN7 STAFFORD, born 1 Nov 1817 in Preston, Ny 125 ii ABEL7 STAFFORD, born 28 Sep 1819 in Preston, NY 126 iii SOPHIA CORNELIA7 STAFFORD, born 9 Jan 1822. in Preston, Ny 127 iv ELECTA7 STAFFORD, born 16 Feb 1824 in Preston, Ny 128 v RUSSELL RANDALL7 STAFFORD, born 13 May 1826 Preston, Ny 129 vi ISAAC7 STAFFORD, born 2 Jun 1828 in Ellington, Ny 130 vii SALLY KILBOURNE7 STAFFORD, born 19 Jan 1830 Ellington, Ny 131 viii ORINDA7 STAFFORD, born 8 Mar 1833 in Ellington, Ny 132 ix AMOS RUSSELL7 STAFFORD, born 29 Jan 1835 in Ellington, Ny 133 x MARTIN VAN BUREN7 STAFFORD, born 27 Apr 1837 in Ellington,Ny 67. HANNAH6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 10 Nov 1794 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; died 14 Oct 1861, ae 66-11-4.89 She married on 17 Nov 183390, ISRAEL CHAPIN, living 1860 Norwich, Chenango Co. NY, ae 64.91 Child of HANNAH STAFFORD and ISRAEL CHAPIN92 134 i SETH ELI7 CHAPIN, b 16 Mar 1836, mar HELEN L. FRENCH 18 Nov. 1856, b. 5 Mar 1836 68. ISAAC Jr6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 31 Oct 1796 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT,iiving 1860 Pampas, DeKalb Co. ILL, ae 63 93 He married LUCY SEYMOUR born c1795 NY, living 1860 Pampas, DeKalb Co. IL, age 65.94 Children of ISAAC jr STAFFORD and LUCY SEYMOUR95 135 i DIADAMA7 STAFFORD 136 ii HANNAH7 STAFFORD, bc 1820 137 iii SAXA SEYMOUR7 STAFFORD 138 iv ISAAC SAMUEL7 STAFFORD, bc 1829 139 v GEORGE EDGAR7 STAFFORD, bc 1831 140 vi LUCY ELIZABETH7 STAFFORD 69. KEZIA6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 10 Dec 1799 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; buried 23 Dec 1873, ae 74 in Foster Cem., Preston, Chenango Co., NY. She married MINOR TRACY, died 30 Jan 1836, ae 37 in Preston, NY, buried in Foster Cem., Preston, NY. Children of KEZIA STAFFORD and MINOR TRACY96 141 i HANNAH7 TRACY, born abt. 1830. 142 ii JOHN7 TRACY 143 iii MINOR7 TRACY 70. JOSEPH6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 30 Oct 1801 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT, living 1860 Howell, Livingston Co. MI, ae 58 97He married on 9 Oct 182398, SALLY TAYLOR, daughter of UZZIEL TAYLOR Sally was born c1803 NY State and was living in Howell, MI in 1860, ae 5799 Children of JOSEPH STAFFORD and SALLY TAYLOR 100 144 i PHILENA7 STAFFORD, born 23 Sep 1824. 145 ii POLLY7 STAFFORD, born 4 Nov 1825. 146 iii LUCINDA7 STAFFORD, born 2 Jan 1828. 147 iv MINERVA7 STAFFORD, born 8 Mar 1832. 148 v HELEN7 STAFFORD, born 26 Dec 1833. 149 vi NANCY7 STAFFORD, born 23 Oct 1836. 150 vii GEORGE7 STAFFORD, born 21 Dec 1838. 71. SARAH6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 14 Jul 1803 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; buried 19 Feb 1839, ae 36-8-4 in Stafford Cem., Preston, Chenango Co., NY. She married 25 May 1823 Preston, Chenango Co NY. 101 HIRAM SNOW, born abt. 1805 in Vt, living 1860 Canton Fulton Co. IL, ae 54102 Hiram probably m2 LUCY born c1806 VT, living 1860.103 Children of SARAH STAFFORD and HIRAM SNOW 104 151 i ROXA SARAH7 SNOW 152 ii ALANSON HUBBARD7 SNOW 153 iii ISAAC7 SNOW 154 iv FRANCIS RAY7 SNOW 155 v CATHERINE7 SNOW 72. ESTHER6 STAFFORD (ISAAC5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 16 Jun 1805 in Guilford, Windham Co., VT; died Jun 1863 in Dent County, Missouri.105 She married in Mar 1824 in Oxford, NY106, ORMAN RANDALL, born 26 Feb 1793 in Colchester, Ct;107 died 15 Nov 1864 in Troy, PA,108 son of ARUNA RANDALL and RUTH GATES. Children of ESTHER STAFFORD& ORMAN RANDALL109 156 i RUTH CAROLINE7 RANDALL, born 20 May 1825 Masonville, Ny 157 ii ROXA LOUISA7 RANDALL, born 27 Apr 1826 in Masonville, Ny 158 iii HANNAH STAFFORD7 RANDALL, born 22 Apr 1827 Masonville,Ny 159 iv ORMAN HUBBARD7 RANDALL, born 4 Nov 1828 Unidilla, Ny 160 v SAMUEL ISAAC7 RANDALL, born 22 Jan 1831 Oxford, NY 161 vi CLARINDA BAILEY7 RANDALL, born 10 May 1832 Oxford, Ny 162 vii WALLIS JOSEPH7 RANDALL, born 16 Jan 1835 Oxford, Ny 163 viii POLLY ESTHER7 RANDALL, born 7 May 1838 Oxford, Ny 164 ix HOWARD SPALDING7 RANDALL, born 23 Jan 1840 Oxford, Ny 85. ELIZABETH6 STAFFORD (JOB5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 11 Oct 1791; died 31 Mar 1866, Ae 74 in Norwich, Ny; buried in Hope Cem. She married WHITMAN WILLCOX, born abt. 1766 (calculated gs); died 18 Jan 1856, Ae 90 in Norwich, Ny; buried in Hope Cem., son of ABRAHAM WILLCOX and LYDIA HARRINGTON. Children of ELIZABETH STAFFORD and WHITMAN WILLCOX 110 165 i BRADFORD7 WILLCOX, born 1813; died 22 Jan. 1835 Of Scarlet Fever.111 166 ii. HANNAH 167 iii. ELMIRA7 WILLCOX, born abt. 1817; died 22 Jan. 1835, Ae 18; buried in Hope Cem.Norwich, Ny. 167A iv. LYDIA, b 1827, mar JOSEPH COLLINS BRADFORD 2, born 1835 m. SOPHRONIA INGALLS 86. MARY6 STAFFORD (JOB5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 1 Jun 1793; died 3 Jul 1849 ae 56 in Norwich, Ny; buried in Quarter Cem. She married JOHN SKINNER, born 23 Mar 1791112; died 9 May 1865, Ae 74 in Norwich, Ny; buried in Quarter Cem., son of JACOB SKINNER and PHEBE BUCK. Children of MARY STAFFORD and JOHN SKINNER113 168 i JULIA7 SKINNER, born 15 Feb. 1821 169 ii jOHN7 SKINNER, abt 1823 Norwich, Ny 170 iii LUKE7 SKINNER, 14 Dec. 1826 171 iv PHOEBE7 SKINNER, 16 July 1825 Norwich, Ny 172 v LEVI7 SKINNER, 20 Aug. 1828 173 vi AMY ELIZABETH7 SKINNER, 8 Oct. 1833 174 vii DANIEL PERRY7 SKINNER, bc 1833 175 viii MARY ALMIRA7 SKINNER , bc 1836 87. LOIS6 STAFFORD (JOB5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 27 Aug 1796; died 10 Aug. 1858, Ae 63 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem. She married JOHN TRACY, born abt. 1792 (calculated gs); died 26 Sep 1831 ae 39 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem. Children of LOIS STAFFORD and JOHN TRACY114 176 i HARRIET7 TRACY 177 ii GEORGE7 TRACY 178 iii WILLARD7 TRACY 179 iv HENRY AUSTIN7 TRACY 180 v AMY ELIZABETH7 TRACY 181 vi JOSEPH SLATER7 TRACY 88. AMY6 STAFFORD (JOB5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 17 May 1798; died 6 Mar 1860 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem. She married REUBEN ALDRICH, born 27 Oct 1784; died 15 Jul 1866 in Preston, Ny and buried Foster Cem. Children of AMY STAFFORD and REUBEN ALDRICH 115 182 i AMY FRANCES7 ALDRICH, b. c1826 183 ii REUBEN7 ALDRICH, 184 iii REUBEN STAFFORD7 ALDRICH, bc 1827 185 iv ABRAHAM SLATER7 ALDRICH, bc 1831 89. CHLOE6 STAFFORD (JOB5, JOHN4, THOMAS3, SAMUEL2, THOMAS1), born 3 Apr 1800; died 21 Feb.1881, ae 80 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem. She married AMAZIAH TRACY, born abt. 1795 (calculated gs) ; died 25 Feb 1875 Ae 80 in Preston, Ny; buried in Foster Cem. Children of CHLOE STAFFORD and AMAZIAH TRACY116 186 i JOB STAFFORD7 TRACY 187 ii PETER ALEXANDER7 TRACY 188 iii AMAZIAH7 TRACY 189 iv CHLOE ANN7 TRACY End Notes 1. John Osborn Austin, The Genealogical Dictionary of Rhode Island Comprising three generations of settlers who came before 1690 {Albany, 1887} p219 2. Ibid 3. Ibid 4. Ibid 5. Ibid 6. Ibid 7. Arnolds Vital Records Warwick 1:203 8. Roscoe Leighton Whitman, History & Genealogy of the ancestors and descendants of Stutley Westcott {Oneonta, Otsego Publishing Co.1932} 150 9. Arnolds Vital Records Warwick 1:203 10.See Note #8 11.Ibid 12.See Norw @1 13.Ibid 14.Ibid 15.Arnolds VRS Vol. Vol. 1:111 16.Ibid Vol. 1:112 17.Ibid 18 Ibid: Vol. 1:167 19.See Note #8 20.Arnolds Vital Records Warwick 1:203 21.Ibid Vol. 1:112 22.Ibid 23.Ibid 1:204 & See Note #8 24.Ibid Vol. 3:20 25.Ibid Vol. 3:44 26.Guilford, VT deed per Gladys King of Pittsfield,MA who did not cite book and page. 27.John R. Bartlett, Census of the Inhabitants of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations 1774 {Hunterdon House, Lambertville,NJ, 1984} p. 124 28.Pension Record Stukely Stafford #R10033 29.Brattleboro VT, Marlboro District PR Bk. 1:43 30.Ibid Bk.1:43-45 31.DAR Bible Record NY State Library #90:69 32.VR 33.Official History of Guilford Vermont 1678-1961 with Genealogical and Biographical Sketches edited by Broad Brook Grange No. 151 (Brattleboro, Town of Guilford 1961),p.60 hereinafter Guilford 34. Ibid, 95 35. Guilfrod LR2:29 36. Guilford,320 37. Ibid 38. Ibid 39. Ibid 40. Ibid 41. With exception of Solomon, children are conjectural from various Stafford Data Bases-more work needs to be done on John Stafford and his family 42. From family bible record of Ruth Stafford Cournoyer of Barrington,IL a descendant 43. Norwich Ct printed VR, 167 44. Revolutionary Pension Record S18612 45. Guilford, 51 46. Ibid, 63 47. See Note 44 48. Guilford, 107 49. 1-2 Guilford VRS, #3 gravestone 50. Colrain MA printed VR,183 51. VR 52. Colrain MA printed VR, 183 53. Pension R10033 54. Manuscript of Joan Hicks 55. Ibid 56. Gravestone Foster Cem. Preston, Chenango Co. NY 57. Guilford VT VR 58. Rev. Edmund Slafter, The Slafter Memorial {Boston, Henry W. Dutton & Son, 1869}54 hereinafter Slafter 59. Gravestone Foster Cem.Preston,Chenango Co. NY 60. 1850 NY cn Chenango Co. Bainbridge, 437 STAFFORD, Lydia ae 76, $750 Real Estate, TRACY, Kezia ae 50 both born NY 61. Chenango Co. LR LIb H:488 62. Chenango Co. land records 63. Chenango Co. NY PR #1206A 64. DAR Bible Record 90:320 NY State Lib. Albany NY 65. Monroe,Franklin Co. MA Vital Record says Thomas died of old age, was a farmer, b. Scituate, RI, Parents: John & Mary Stafford 66. Ibid 67. 1850 MA cn Franklin Co. Monroe, 274: STAFFORD, Thomas, ae 57, farmer MA, Sarah ae 56 b MA,Samuel ae 26, MA, Emerson ae 24 MA, Thomas ae 86 RI, Margurite ae 78 RI 68. LDS Submission 69. VT VR 70. Slafter, 54 71. 1860 NY cn, Afton, Chenango Co., 378, STAFFORD, Permelia basket weaver, age 66, born NY - 1850 cn Chenango Co. Plymouth,25 STAFFORD, Permelia, ae 56, born NY 72. Chenango PR:E:538 73. Slafter, 76-77 74. Ibid 75. VR 76. Whitingham VT Deeds Vol. 7:81 per Gladys King 77. LDS 78. Stamford, VT VR Bk. 1:358 per Joan Hicks 79. Frank E. Randall, Genealogy of a branch of the Randall family {Norwich, NY, Chenango Union 1879} 176 hereinafter Randall 80. Ibid 81. Randall,176 82. Ibid 83; Slafter, 78 84. Randall, 172 85. Ibid 86. Ibid 87. Ibid 88. Ibid 89. DAR Bible Record 90:69 90. Ibid 91. 1860 NY cn Chenango Co. Norwich, 162 CHAPIN: Israel, ae 64, farmer, b NY, Hannah, ae 65 b VT, Seth E. ae 24, NY,Helen ae 24, NY, Ida ae 01 NY, Erastus Follett, ae 23 92. DAR Bible Record 90:69 93. 1860 IL cn, DeKalb Co. Pampas: STAFFORD: Isaac, ae 63 farmer, b. VT, Lucy,ae 65, housekeeping, b NY, Hannah, ae 40, b VT, SCOTT?, Franklin, ae 17 b IL 94. Ibid 95. Slafter78 &1850 NY cn Chenango Co.Norwich, 201 STAFFORD: Isaac, ae 53, b VT, Lucy, ae 55 b NY, Hannah ae 38, Isaac S. ae 21, George E ae 19, SIMPSON, Clark ae 14, Cordelia,ae 16 last 5 born NY 96. Ibid 97. 1860 MI cn Livingston Co. Howell, 205 STAFFORD, Joseph ae 58 farmer b VT, Sally ae 57, b NY, Philena ae 35 b NY, George ae 21 b NY 98. Slafter, 78 99. See Note 93 100.Slafter,78 101.Oxford NY Gazette 28 May 1823 issue 102.1860 IL cn Fulton Co., Canton, 367 SNOW, Hiram ae 55, Lucy ae 54 both born VT 103. Ibid 104. Slafter, 78 105. Randall, 177 106. Ibid 107. Ibid 108.,Ibid 109. Ibid 110. NY State Lib. DAR 17:221 as BR; NYS Lib. DAR 244:80 as Chenango Co. NY Wills G-258 111. Wilcox Bible record per above Note 110 112. Chenango Family Trees on line US Gen Web Family of Jacob Skinner 113. Ibid (for dates of birth of children) and Slafter, 76 & 1850 NY cn Chenanago Co. Norwich,210 SKINNER: John 59 b. CT, Esther ae 47 b. VT, Amy ae19, NY, Daniel ae 17,NY, Almira ae 14 NY 114. Slafter, 76 115. Slafter76 & 1860 NY cn Chenango Co. Norwich, 162 ALDRICH: Reuben, ae 75 b RI, Ami F. ae 34, Reuben J.,, ae 33, Abram F. ae 29, Nancy, ae 29, Hiram H. ae 05 EVANS: Jerome, ae 25 (children born NY) 116. Slafter, 76